Permanent Makeup Questions
Is eyeliner important to your appearance and feeling of self confidence? Does your eyeliner smudge? Does it wear off during the day? Do you have trouble getting it straight or even? Are you allergic to cosmetic products or your allergies causing you to re-apply several times a day? Maybe your job requires that you go make-up free. If so…
Permanent eyeliner procedures, also known as permanent cosmetics, permanent makeup, cosmetic tattooing, are perfect for you.
Eyeliner can be applied in many styles, from soft, natural-looking lash enhancement to a defined line–the choice is yours! Some people feel both upper and lower eyeliner suits their needs best, while others feel only an upper or a lower eyeliner is appropriate for them. Whatever look you choose, you will wake up, shower, exercise, work, swim, and go to bed always looking your best. No more eyeliner smearing or smudging during the day, no more concern when participating in sports activities and best, your appearance remains consistently fresh appearing throughout the day and night!
We will use a pre-procedure anesthetic. This will keep you very comfortable throughout the procedure. Many clients are worried about tattooing so close to the eye area. We will talk you through this process to assure you that your eye will remain unharmed. We use a very tight stretch technique to guarantee that the eye lid will stay in the position that we need it to be during the process. We guarantee to keep you as comfortable as possible during your appointment.
Aftercare instructions are provided and your artist will provide products as are called in the instructions.
A follow up appointment is scheduled in six to eight weeks to determine how the eyeliner procedure healed and if any further perfecting work is needed
Are you tired of refreshing your lipstick several times during the day? Do you wish you had some of the natural coloring you had when you were younger? Does you lip border seem to be disappearing and making your lips look smaller? If so, Permanent Cosmetic Lip Blushing is for you! It can be applied to give more definition and correct uneven lips, which will result in a fuller appearance.
During this procedure, we will start by lining the lips to give them the best and most flattering shape. The color is then blended down into the lip, so there is no disconnect from the lip liner and the lip color. This will give the lips a nice blushing of color. Most clients want a very natural color. It can be done as soft or bold as you would like. The lips will be darker the day of the appointment and a couple days following your procedure. After about a week, they will exfoliate and leave you with a perfect color!
A follow up appointment is scheduled in six to eight weeks to determine how the eyeliner procedure healed and if any further perfecting work is needed
Are you eyebrow-challenged? Are your eyebrows sparse due to over-waxing or a medical condition? Do you have little or no eyebrow hair? Do you find it difficult to put them on without your glasses, but your glasses are in the way? Does the drawn-on design come out crooked or uneven? Do your penciled brows wear off during the day? For these reasons and many, many more, women all over are finding cosmetically tattooed eyebrows are perfect for them.
From providing a basic guideline for you to follow, should you want to wear them a little darker some days, to total brow recreation, your artist can create anything from a few hair strokes to fully colored brows that even your closest friends won’t believe aren’t your own.
If you would like, you can wear your penciled eyebrows to the consultation the way you draw them on a day-to-day basis.. Or, you may bring a picture of the preferred eyebrow design. If you wear your eyebrows drawn in, or bring in a picture example, we will advise you if the example(s) are age and style appropriate for permanent eyebrows, as well as give you realistic expectations on what to expect.
At your appointment, It is very important that you and the artist you choose at Symetrie communicate about this procedure. As the client, you must convey details of your design, color preferences, and expectations and the artist must understand these preferences and translate them over to tattooing artistic techniques.
Before any tattooing commences, the client is given the opportunity to approve the design that will become permanent. At times, this can be the most fearful point of your appointment. We will talk each other through this process. Here at Symetrie, we pride ourselves on giving you a natural result and a look that will age well.
The eyebrow design which has been approved by the client is then tattooed on. Anesthetic will be used throughout the procedure to keep the client very comfortable.
When the permanent eyebrow procedure has been completed, aftercare instructions and products are provided, as referred to in the instructions. A follow up appointment is scheduled to determine how the eyebrow procedure healed and if any further perfecting work is needed.
Do I need a consultation prior to my appointment?
Consultations are free. You do not need one prior to your appointment. We discuss the same things on the day of your appointment as we do during a consultation, but, if you do show up on the day of your appointment with any contradictions and we can not perform the service - a new deposit will be required. During your consultation we review your form to make sure you are a good candidate.
Can I get cosmetic tattooing while pregnant?
NO. We now ask that you get doctors permission if you are nursing. We are breaking the skin and there is a risk for an infection and blood born pathogens. You can also contract these after you leave our studio. The skin will be an open wound. We also use numbing cream that will/can get into your blood stream.
Why can’t it last as long as tattoos?
It can if we were to use ink. Pigment and ink are different and it is pigment that it is primarily used in permanent cosmetics. How about blue, red, or bright yellow? Can you imagine any these colors being used for your eyebrows, eyeliner, or lips? The only way permanent makeup would last as long as tattoos,is if you would allow me to use ink or one of the primary colors. You would never even consider this even if it does last longer. This is why we use pigments, because we want our eyebrows, to look natural. We prefer the soft blondes, the beautiful shades of brown, and taupes for our eyebrows. We use black pigment for eyeliner. To achieve these beautiful colors we are using pigments formulated specifically for the face.
How long does it last?
All color fades and that is just a fact. The color our hairstylist uses fade, the paint on our cars fade and at a much faster rate if a car is left outside compared to a car that is parked in the garage, even the professional and industrial paint used on our homes fade in time. Everything has a life span and nothing lasts forever. The expensive fillers millions of people are using like Botox, Restylane, and Juvederm, although they wonderfully get rid of lines and creases which in turn make us look younger, wear off and must be re-applied every three to six months on average. We even see our manicurist every two to four weeks. Everything fades or degrades with time. Permanent Makeup, however, lasts longer than most other beauty/cosmetic procedures while comparably priced. Permanent makeup will last years for some and others will need to refresh their color annually. It is my experience that although some will need to refresh their color annually it will last much longer for most. All permanent makeup fades due to the exfoliation process, this is the process of the epidermis continually shedding and regenerating itself. Permanent makeup will last longer for some and not as long for others due most importantly to lifestyle, health, and skin type. Some contributing factors that will accelerate fading are: sun exposure, using products that promote cell regeneration (Retin-A, Renova, Glycolics and Alpha Hydroxy Acids), extra oily skin which regenerates more rapidly, unhealthy skin, medications, and smoking.
Will I still need to fill in my brows, eyeliner, or lips?
Getting cosmetic tattooing does not mean you will not draw your eyebrows in again. If you find you are still penciling them in, many factors contribute to that. The shape you like them, the boldness you want them, how many natural hairs you have and if the transition is noticeable etc. We tattoo the skin, it works as a base so you look complete even without makeup. You can go makeup free and swimming and you also have a guideline to shape your eyebrows, eyeliner, or lips. There are clients that never pencil in after cosmetic tattooing and there are clients who still do. In the end it's really how ‘particular’ you are. But we want to be very clear that getting this done does NOT mean you will stop penciling them in. We try to be as transparent and informative as possible with clients. We don’t want to provide you with unrealistic expectations.
Are Permanent Cosmetics Really Permanent?
Permanent cosmetics procedures are considered permanent because pigment is tattooed into the upper reticular part of the dermal layer of the skin and cannot be washed off. However, as with any tattoo or colorant (pigment) in general, fading can and often does occur, requiring periodic maintenance referred to as color re-enhancement or color refreshing. The scientific structure of pigments and the requirement for periodic refreshing is identical to that of tinted hair color; faded material on furniture that may be located near a window and subject to sun exposure; house paint that is exposed to the sun and other environmental elements; pigment implanted in the skin may fade with time. This colorant periodic maintenance requirement is a good opportunity to reevaluate one’s color and design preferences. While the concept of permanent, without any change, may seem like a perfectly good idea, think about how your tastes have changed over the years. From time to time likely you have made subtle or dramatic changes in your clothing preferences, your hair color and style, and if you wear topical makeup, those colors have changed as well. The fact that most people will require periodic color refreshing of their permanent cosmetics is the opportune time to work with your artist to reevaluate your overall appearance profile and determine if any changes are appropriate. Longevity varies from person to person depending on their life style (sun exposure), the color(s) used for the permanent cosmetic procedure, and are also thought to be affected by topical products applied to the skin.
How Much does Permanent Makeup Cost?
The average cost per procedure varies but usually averages between $400-$800. Symétrie is bringing you these services at a very affordable rate! The cost of the procedure should not be the most important issue when consulting a potential permanent cosmetic professional. Most important is the training and skill of the person performing the procedure and the confidence of the client in that skill.
How Long Does Each Procedure Take?
The initial procedure will generally take approximately 1 to 2 ½ hours; there are records to establish; photographs to take; desired design and color to discuss; the procedure to perform; and the aftercare requirements to discuss. Follow up or color refresher procedures usually do not require the same amount of time.
Is It Painful?
Most people experience some discomfort. This will vary according to each individual’s pain threshold. We use various topical anesthetics that are specifically developed for our industry. Your permanent cosmetic professional should discuss these methods with you to determine which one is appropriate. To put this in perspective, thousands of body art tattoos are performed annually, possibly millions. As a rule, traditional tattoo professionals do not use any anesthetics for their procedures. Anesthetics for permanent cosmetics are more of a tattoo service luxury because of the nature of the tattoo location and the fact that permanent cosmetics falls into the beauty treatment category.
What If I Don’t Like It?
Although the procedure is considered permanent, these procedures do have flexibility in changing color and shape to some extent, depending on the expertise of your artist. Colors will appear darker immediately following the procedure but will soften and lighten during the healing process. The healing time is different for each individual and procedure. It’s very important to realize that often the new procedure represents something somewhat different; at times color where there was no color at all or very little. It takes time to become acclimated to a new look (very often this applies to eyebrows which were sparse and unnoticeable before the brow procedure.) Eyeliner color is more evident due to the contrast to the skin color. Lip color can take up to six weeks to reflect the final color. Be patient. After the procedure has healed, and you are able to make an informed decision about the healed version of the procedure.
Are There Any Side Effects During or After the Procedure?
While eyebrows may show little after effect, eyeliner and lips may show slight to moderate swelling. This is very dependent upon the amount of work performed. As examples; an eyelash enhancement will show very little response to the tattooing procedure compared to a more moderate response when wide eyeliner is performed. The same philosophy applies to lip color procedures. A lip liner or blended lip liner will show less effects of the procedure than that of a full lip color. Also, some people swell more from minor skin infractions than others. During the procedure there may be some minor bleeding. This again, is client specific. Many people take blood thinners on a daily basis so some slight bleeding would be expected. Others show little or no signs of bleeding. Bruising is rare but again, bruising could occur after eyeliner procedures. Bruising during eyeliner procedures is possible if the skin being tattooed is very thin and close to the vascular system. This also applies to lip procedures in the event the client is more mature. If bruising does occur, typically it is minor and subsides in a few days. There is usually some tenderness for a few days. The color is much darker than you may expect for the first six to ten days.
Other less often reported side effects are difficult to determine due to the individuality of each person’s biological system. This is why our artist requires a client history profile be filled out to assess different factors that may contribute to your experience after the tattooing procedure has been completed.
Do The Pigments Pose Allergy Problems?
People can develop an allergy to anything, anytime; however, pigment allergies are considered rare. Some doctors recommend that people with environmental allergies or allergies to conventional makeup have permanent cosmetic procedures because they can replace cosmetic products that people are sensitive to. While allergic reactions to any type of tattooing pigments on the body or on the face through permanent cosmetics may occur at any point in time, they are extremely rare.
Is There Any Possibility for Medical Problems?
The possibility that you would have any problems or reactions from these procedures is almost non-existent with today’s health standards. Post procedural instructions, if followed carefully, will greatly reduce any risk. Medical problems associated with permanent cosmetics are often linked to poor attention to the required aftercare process on behalf of the client. Choose a time for procedures when you feel confident you can follow the simple, but very important after care instructions.
What’s a Touch-Up and Do I Need One?
Often the tattooed color is not perfect after the initial procedure heals. Permanent cosmetic procedures are a process and at least one follow-up to the initial procedure should be scheduled. It is recommended that any required detail work to the original procedure be performed no sooner than 6-12 weeks after the original procedure. The minimum standard for follow-up detail work for lip procedures is six weeks. Lips have a different healing agenda than procedures performed on other parts of the face due to their delicate nature. The cited time frames will vary depending on the health profile and age of the client, but these are good minimum standards for consideration.
Can I Still Have an MRI Scan?
Numerous studies have shown that even for people who have large body tattoos there is little to no potential for irritation resulting from an MRI. In the rare instance where discomfort resulted, it was localized and very temporary. However, with that said, it is prudent to advise your MRI technician that you have permanent cosmetics.
Additional Service
Additional Service
Is eyeliner important to your appearance and feeling of self confidence? Does your eyeliner smudge? Does it wear off during the day? Do you have trouble getting it straight or even? Are you allergic to cosmetic products or your allergies causing you to re-apply several times a day? Maybe your job requires that you go make-up free. If so…
Permanent eyeliner procedures, also known as permanent cosmetics, permanent makeup, cosmetic tattooing, are perfect for you.
Eyeliner can be applied in many styles, from soft, natural-looking lash enhancement to a defined line–the choice is yours! Some people feel both upper and lower eyeliner suits their needs best, while others feel only an upper or a lower eyeliner is appropriate for them. Whatever look you choose, you will wake up, shower, exercise, work, swim, and go to bed always looking your best. No more eyeliner smearing or smudging during the day, no more concern when participating in sports activities and best, your appearance remains consistently fresh appearing throughout the day and night!
We will use a pre-procedure anesthetic. This will keep you very comfortable throughout the procedure. Many clients are worried about tattooing so close to the eye area. We will talk you through this process to assure you that your eye will remain unharmed. We use a very tight stretch technique to guarantee that the eye lid will stay in the position that we need it to be during the process. We guarantee to keep you as comfortable as possible during your appointment.
Aftercare instructions are provided and your artist will provide products as are called in the instructions.
A follow up appointment is scheduled in six to eight weeks to determine how the eyeliner procedure healed and if any further perfecting work is needed
Are you tired of refreshing your lipstick several times during the day? Do you wish you had some of the natural coloring you had when you were younger? Does you lip border seem to be disappearing and making your lips look smaller? If so, Permanent Cosmetic Lip Blushing is for you! It can be applied to give more definition and correct uneven lips, which will result in a fuller appearance.
During this procedure, we will start by lining the lips to give them the best and most flattering shape. The color is then blended down into the lip, so there is no disconnect from the lip liner and the lip color. This will give the lips a nice blushing of color. Most clients want a very natural color. It can be done as soft or bold as you would like. The lips will be darker the day of the appointment and a couple days following your procedure. After about a week, they will exfoliate and leave you with a perfect color!
A follow up appointment is scheduled in six to eight weeks to determine how the eyeliner procedure healed and if any further perfecting work is needed